A Precinct Level Park

A broken promise by the City of West Torrens

The 2018 Kings Reserve Masterplan

Between 2015 and 2018, the City of West Torrens engaged in community consultation to develop a masterplan for Kings Reserve to help provide a ‘long-term overarching vision for the precinct’. The master plan sought to ensure the provision of a ‘sustainable, high-value, high-quality public reserve that reflects community expectations and Council’s designation of the main project site as part of a precinct-scale reserve’.

As part of the development of the plan, the Council undertook targeted consultation, with public displays in the nearby Brickworks marketplace, a visit to the Torrensville Kindergarten and Childcare Centre as well as hosting a community event, speaking to parents, children, and users of Kings Reserve. The masterplan was overwhelmingly accepted by the community with 80% of respondents supporting the development.

Current lease holders including the Adelaide Footy League (amateur football league) and the MA Hawks Soccer Club were consulted to ensure community sport was supported. The plan included opening ‘Thebarton Oval up for public use, whilst retaining and strengthening core facilities for community groups’.

Download the full 2018 Kings Reserve Masterplan Report from the City of West Torrens Website

THe Western Half of Kings Reserve
2018 Masterplan

① New playground

② Buffer / screen planting

③ New toilet facility

④ New skate plaza extension

⑤ Existing skate bowl

⑥ Football kick-about space (inc. set of football goals)

⑦ Cricket net

⑧ New on-road car parking facility with shaded tree planting

⑨ Existing MA Hawks canteen upgrade

⑩ Existing grass mounds & tree planting to be retained

⑪ Existing toilets / soccer facilities

⑫ Soccer senior pitch

⑬ New dual 3m wide shared sealed footpath connecting facilities and the Reserve to the Brickwork Marketplaces and River Torrens Linear Park.

The site plan builds upon the existing character of the site;
a suburban oval opened up to the people,
punctuated with significant trees,
picnic spaces and an informal community plaza."

“Connecting pedestrian route network unifies site precincts whilst being sensitive to preserving pedestrian and cycle accessibility and the generous parkland qualities.”

“Playground relocation consolidates an accessible youth precinct that offers play opportunities for all ages; through an extended skate plaza, new playground and half basketball court. Aligning picnic ground with sport fields incorporates picturesque and shady mature Eucalypt stands.”

Alocal and regional destination for family recreation

Quoted text from the 2018 Kings Reserve Masterplan

City of West Torrens, Kings Reserve, Little Day Out

Little Day Out at Kings Reserve, Torrensville on Wednesday 15 April 2015.

“Watch the video and discover why parks and outdoor spaces are so special to the community.”

The Kings Reserve Masterplan was endorsed by the Council in May 2018. Early works to construct a wetland on the eastern side of Thebarton Oval progressed shortly after, as did work on an upgrade to the adjacent Torrensville Bowling Club and work to progress a detailed design for the Kings Reserve playground area.

In June 2019 the Council were awarded a grant under the 2018/2019 State Government's Open Spaces and Places for People funding program for the works associated with redevelopment/upgrade of the playground and the adjacent areas at Kings Reserve, to be completed in accordance with the information contained within the endorsed Kings Reserve Masterplan.

In June 2020 the Council again voted to proceed with the implementation of the recreation and playspace component of the endorsed Kings Reserve Masterplan.

Despite ongoing reassurances of the commitment of the Council to deliver this portion of the 2018 Kings Reserve Masterplan, the progress has been continually delayed. While there has briefly been some uncertainty around a portion of Kings Reserve being used as a laydown area for the adjacent South Road tunnels project, delays have also seemingly been due to the Council keeping its options open to enable an alternative development of a second football oval.

Why has the City of West Torrens turned its back on its community
and handed over Kings Reserve and the promise of ‘Precinct Level Park
to a private corporation to build a second professional training oval?